Moments | 5/23/2022

Take A Moment with Brwnbox

Brwnbox women-owned gummies hemp cbd where to buy Etain Health Medical Cannabis Marijuana New York Manhattan NYC Kingston Syracuse Yonkers Dispensary Near Me Delivery Buy Online
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About The Brand: brwnbox is a women-owned Hemp and CBD retail store in New Jersey making cannabinoids easy to understand.


Brwnbox Founder Almaz took a moment to chat with Etain about the brand and CBD Gummies available at all Etain legal medical cannabis dispensary locations in New York.


What’s the meaning behind the brwnbox brand name?

The meaning behind brwnbox came from the fact that the most lovely items we almost always have to unwrap! Although we were not able to have everything come out of a "brown box" we are happy the name has stuck.


Do you have a favorite product in the brwnbox line?

Right now our CBD gummies are my favorite, they are the perfect sweet treat and relaxation all in one. Our customers really find a lot of success incorporating them into their wellness journey.


Since starting the brand, what’s been the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a women-owned business?

You have to work twice as hard to make it to the top, if I could do anything differently it would be trusting my instincts and not letting anyone talk me out of my goals!


What do you think brwnbox CBD Gummies compliment Etain medical cannabis products?

Being that Etain is a Medical Cannabis brand, CBD in general is a great cannabinoid to balance out the psychoactive effects of THC or to take alone for its own benefits. It's great that patients have the option.


How do you Take A Moment?

Taking at least an hour to reflect and breathe - the most important thing as an entrepreneur.

Brwnbox women-owned gummies hemp cbd where to buy Etain Health Medical Cannabis Marijuana New York Manhattan NYC Kingston Syracuse Yonkers Dispensary Near Me Delivery Buy Online



Shop brwnbox CBD Gummies at all Etain medical cannabis dispensary locations in New York state